Today is the day. One year ago was one of the most surreal, yet amazing days of my life. One year ago today Little Girl was born!
I cannot believe it has been a year already! It has been a whirl-wind, with so much learning, love and growth - both for Little Girl and for her parents!! I am thankful every day for the amazing, healthy, funny, beautiful, intelligent, happy girl who joined our family on May 26, 2009. I love her every moment of every day, and I can't wait to watch her continue to grow!
Being that it is Little Girl's first birthday, many people have been asking what we are doing to celebrate. Well, I am not a big believer in throwing a huge party. The kid doesn't know the difference, right? I am also a firm believer in celebrating birthdays for extended periods of time - not just on the day itself! So tonight we will have a mini-party with just the family. Mommy, Daddy, Little Girl and Mommy's best friend (really, a part of the family) will have dinner and cake, sharing the singing with all four grandparents via phone and Skype. We will then celebrate again with Hubby's family over the weekend at our family's annual Memorial Day weekend gathering. We will then celebrate again in a couple of weeks when Little Girl and I go back to Florida to visit my parents!!
We are also starting a tradition with this birthday. As much as I love giving and receiving gifts, I really don't want to make birthdays and holidays turn into events that are solely about the presents. No, I do not think that giving (or receiving) presents is a materialistic, evil thing. Not at all! I love to give gifts!! But I want
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